Publications and Patents

Selected Publications

  • Y. Soskind, and M. Soskind, “Understanding laser beam quality beyond M2 (Invited Paper),” Proc. SPIE 9581, Laser Beam Shaping XVII, 9950, paper 9950-12, August 2016.
  • Y. Soskind, “Recent Developments in Control and Characterization of Structured Laser Fields,” accepted for presentation at IEEE National Aerospace Electronics Conference (NAECON), Dayton, July 2016.
  • Y. Soskind, and I. Anisimov, “Intra-Cavity Mode Formation Employing Diffractive Phase Structures,” SPIE Laser Technology for Defense and Security XII, paper 9834-14, Baltimore, April 2016.
  • Y. Soskind, “Propagation Characteristics and Characterization Challenges of Complex Laser Field Distributions,” Proc. SPIE 9754, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering III, San Francisco, 97540M, 2016.
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. Soskind, “Structured Illumination Employing Coherent Radiation (Invited Paper),” SPIE Photonic Instrumentation Engineering III, San Francisco, February 2016.
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. Soskind, “Shaping Propagation Invariant Laser Beams”, Optical Engineering, 54(11) 111309, 2015.
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. Soskind, “Practical Implementation of Propagation Invariant Laser Beams”, Proc. SPIE 9581, Laser Beam Shaping XVI, 9581-23, 2015.
  • Y. Soskind, “Diffractive optics technologies further advance photonic systems,” SPIE Newsroom, Optical design and Engineering,, 2015.
  • M. Soskind and Y. Soskind, “Propagation invariant laser beams for optical metrology applications,” Proc. SPIE 9526, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology V, 9526-63, 2015.
  • Y. Soskind, “Diffractive optics technologies in infrared systems,” Invited Paper, Proc. SPIE 9451, Infrared Technology and Applications XLI, 94511T, 2015.
  • Y. Soskind, “Laser beam characteristics of optical phased arrays,” Proc. SPIE 9466, Laser Technology for Defense and Security XI, 94660D, 2015.
  • Y. Soskind, “Formation of propagation-invariant laser beams with anamorphic optical systems,” Invited Paper, Proc. SPIE 9369, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering II, 9369-21, San Francisco, 2015 (presented at a joint session with SPIE conference 9379 Complex Light and Optical Forces IX).
  • Y. Soskind, “Laser beam transformations with anamorphic optics”, Invited Paper, Proc. SPIE 9194, Laser Beam Shaping Conference XV, paper 9194-47, San Diego, 2014.
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. Soskind, “Coherent radiation enhancements for laser beam shaping applications”, Proc. SPIE 9194, Laser Beam Shaping Conference XV, paper 9194-12, San Diego, 2014.
  • Y. Soskind, “Coherent Optical Module for Phased Array System Stabilization,” DEPS 16th Annual Symposium, Huntsville, 2014.
  • Y. Soskind, et al., “Point-spread function-based characterization of optical systems”, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering I, Proc. SPIE 8992, 89920E, 2014.
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. Soskind, “Formation and propagation of Bessel beams: practical considerations,” Laser Beam Shaping XIV, Proc. SPIE8843, 88430N, 2013.
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. Soskind, “Producing Bessel beams based on incoherent superposition of laser fields,” Laser Beam Shaping XIV, Proc. SPIE 8843, 88430O, 2013.
  • Soskind, R., M. Soskind, and Y. G. Soskind. “Coherent Superposition of Propagation-Invariant Laser Beams.” In Laser Beam Shaping XIII, 8490:63–72. SPIE, 2012.
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. Soskind, “Super-resolution microscopy employing propagation-invariant laser beams.” Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XIII, Proc. SPIE, 8486, 848643, 2012.
  • M. Soskind and Y. Soskind, “Properties of propagation-invariant laser beams in the presence of obscurations”, Laser Beam Shaping XII, Proc. SPIE, 8130, 81300S (2011).
  • R. Soskind and Y. Soskind, “Laser beam shaping and mode conversion using vortex phase structures”, Laser Beam Shaping XII, Proc. SPIE, 8130, 81300R (2011).
  • Y. Soskind, “Micro-optics packaging and integration for high-power diode laser beam combining”, Optoelectronic Interconnects and Component Integration XI, Proc. SPIE, 7944, 79440T (2011).
  • M. Soskind, R. Soskind, and Y. G. Soskind, “Producing superresolved point-spread functions using a phase modulation technique”, Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XIII, Proc. SPIE, 7787, 77870T (2010).
  • Y. Soskind, “Micro-optics packaging and integration for structured laser beam shaping”, Optoelectronic Interconnects and Component Integration X, Proc. SPIE, 7607 (2010).
  • Y. Soskind, “Diode Laser Beam Shaping and Propagation Characteristics”, Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects IX, Proc. SPIE, 7221 (2009).
  • Y. Soskind, “Light Coupling in Micro-Optic Systems: Past, Present, and Trends” (Invited), Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects VIII, Proc. SPIE, 6899 (2008).
  • Y. Soskind et al., “Solid state lighting and photobiological safety”, Ophthalmic Technologies XVII, Proc. SPIE, 6426 (2007).
  • Y. Soskind et al., “Integrated Wavelength Locker for Cost-Effective Laser Packaging”, 55th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (2005).
  • Y. Soskind et al., “High Dynamic Range Receiver Optical Design and Integration Challenges”, Photonics Packaging and Integration VII, Proc. SPIE, 5731 (2005).
  • Y. Soskind et al., “Laser Diode Package-Level Performance Optimization Based on Far Field Distribution”, 54th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (2004).
  • Y. Soskind et al., “Micro-Optics Coupling for 10 Gb/s Avalanche Photodiodes”, Optical Devices for Fiber Communications IV, Proc. SPIE, 4989 (2003).
  • Y. Soskind, “Novel Technique for Passive Athermalization of Optical Systems”, OSA Diffractive Optics and Micro-Optics Topical Meeting, pp. 194 – 204 (2000).
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